Leo Buscaglia Quotes

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To place proper value on learning, we need to recognize a basic law of nature: That which does not grow, dies.

Leo Buscaglia (Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage, 1986)

We all need each other. 

Leo Buscaglia (Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage, 1986)

Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time... It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other. 

Leo Buscaglia (Living Loving and Learning, 1985)

What love we've given, we'll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity. 

Leo Buscaglia

Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.

Leo Buscaglia

We must never forget that the need for affection, touching, reassuring, communication and love is still there — only now, intensified. We all need each other.

Leo Buscaglia (Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage, 1986)

Happiness and love are just a choice away.

Leo Buscaglia (Seven Stories of Christmas Love, 1992)

Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. 

Leo Buscaglia

Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. 

Leo Buscaglia (Living Loving and Learning, 1985)

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.

Leo Buscaglia (Born For Love: Reflections on Loving, 1992)

I've always thought that people need to feel good about themselves and I see my role as offering support to them, to provide some light along the way.

Leo Buscaglia

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind. 

Leo Buscaglia (Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage, 1986)

Don't spend your precious time asking "Why isn't the world a better place?" It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is "How can I make it better?" To that there is an answer.

Leo Buscaglia (The Way of the Bull, 1985)

I think we've grown up when we recognize that a beautiful day is not necessarily a day where everything went your way. But maybe a day by through some action of yours you made it somebody elses day and you made them happy.

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.

Leo Buscaglia (Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage, 1986)

I think that may be the greatest challenge of love... To love when you are not loved in return. Its an enormous challenge.

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

You need to know that people care. How we all need to care more about each other; when we experience deep pain of an emotional nature, we need to be approached with great sensitivity.

Leo Buscaglia (The Disabled & Their Parents: A Counseling Challenge, 1983)

Risks must be taken, because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.

Leo Buscaglia (Living Loving and Learning, 1985)

I think it begins with doing away with the hate, the viciousness and the past and starting with something new. It has to start with cleaning it all away, you can't go to the past, the past gnaws at you and destroys you and there's nothing that can be done about it. Why waste so much of your life, your mind, your creativity over what has already gone and can't be changed.

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

When you are in pain, you see less clearly, and therefore what is may not be, and you get further and further away from the reality that will help you again rebalance your life. So you got to take this rag in hand and clean that slate clean and start all over again because then you can see again what the possibilites are, and there are always many alternatives not just one.

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

Love is always inclusive. It says everybody come, everybody share with me because only through those sharings in relationships and loving relationships can I continue to grow.

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

I dont think anybody likes to be in pain, but I dont reject pain because pain is definitly a part of life, and when you grow to recognize this, then when pain comes you experience it, you don't happily. I dont go out in the street and joyously celebrating the fact that I am in pain but I do take it in my arms, I experience it, I cry if necessary, I yell, I scream, I curse, I do whatever is necessary to get that out of me, then I try to learn what caused it and to do something about it. Otherwise it's just diffuse energy that doesn't go for any particular reason I see, so I dont celebrate pain

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces: we become the powerful force ourselves. 

Leo Buscaglia (Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human, 1982)

There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.

Leo Buscaglia (Born For Love: Reflections on Loving, 1992)

Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life.

Leo Buscaglia (Born For Love: Reflections on Loving, 1992)

Everything that we say and everything that we do, verbal or non verbal communication should be an enhancement of everyone that we encounter. Wouldn't that be beautiful?

Leo Buscaglia (Interview - New Dimensions, 1984)

If you love, you are considered naive.
If your happy, you are considered frivolous and simple.
If generous and altruistic, you're considered suspect.
If forgiving, you're considered weak.
If trusting, you're considered a fool.
If you try to be all of these things, people are sure you're a phony. This flippant attitude has had much to do with breeding of a society of detached, non-commited persons to sophisticated to admit to their confusion and unhappiness, and to caught up in ego to risk doing anything about it. It has perpetuated isolation and devalued basic human values.

Leo Buscaglia (Loving Each Other: The Challenge of Human Relationships, 1984)

It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.

Leo Buscaglia

A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself -- to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.

Leo Buscaglia (Loving Each Other: The Challenge of Human Relationships, 1984)

I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say, No, I won't do it, I won't behave his way anymore. I'm lonely and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving and then you do it. 

Leo Buscaglia (Living Loving and Learning, 1985)

I exist, I am, I am here, I am becoming, I make my own life and no one else makes it for me. I must face my own shortcomings, mistakes, transgressions. No one can suffer my non-being as I do, but tomorrow is another day, and I must decide to leave my bed and live again. And if I fail, I don't have the comfort of blaming you or life or God.

Leo Buscaglia (Living Loving and Learning, 1983)

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Leo Buscaglia Biography

Born: March 31, 1924
Died: June 12, 1998

Felice Leonardo Buscaglia was an US-born Italian author, speaker and professor. He is commonly known for his thoughts on life and love through various television appearances and his books.

Notable Works

Love (1972)
Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human (1982)
Living Loving and Learning (1983)
Celebrate Life
Loving Each Other (1984)
Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage (1986)
Born for Love: Reflections on Loving (1992)
Seven Stories of Christmas Love (1992)