Albanian Proverbs

The truth stays like oil over water.

Albanian Proverb

Can you live with the heart of a rabbit?

Albanian Proverb

He who is lazy today, regrets it later.

Albanian Proverb

Every man is king in his own home.

Albanian Proverb

The key that is used does not rust.

Albanian Proverb

The mountains shall be shaken, but they will not fall.

Albanian Proverb

The door of lazyness is the goal of misery.

Albanian Proverb

The day without work, the night without sleep.

Albanian Proverb

Where there is heart, there are wings.

Albanian Proverb

He who travels will also get tired.

Albanian Proverb

The eagle flies in the sky, but the nests on the ground.

Albanian Proverb

Do not wait for good things to find you, you find them.

Albanian Proverb

Who does not work, is a burden to the earth.

Albanian Proverb

The one who pats the chicken, eats the egg.

Albanian Proverb

Sound mind in sound body.

Albanian Proverb

Do not leave today's work for tomorrow.

Albanian Proverb

He who builds with sweat, defends with blood.

After shaking hands with a Greek, count your fingers.

The more you work the steel, the more beautiful it gets.

Albanian Proverb

Even water gets stale if it does not flow.

Albanian Proverb

Everyone at work is his own god.

Albanian Proverb

Time is money.

Albanian Proverb

The man who has eaten enough will never believe a hungry one.

Albanian Proverb

The wolf changes its hair, but not its habits.

Albanian Proverb

No flea is ever caught with gloves.

Albanian Proverb

Do not be alone even when you are in paradise.

Albanian Proverb

It is easy to cut the tail of a dead wolf.

Albanian Proverb

When a foreigner swears in his own language, we are not offended.

Albanian Proverb

If a dog shows his teeth, show him the stick.

Albanian Proverb

Fire is a good slave, but a bad master.

Albanian Proverb

Laziness is the mother of all vices.

Albanian Proverb

A tailless dog cannot express his joy.

Albanian Proverb

Patience is the key to paradise.

Albanian Proverb

He who can read and write has four eyes.

Albanian Proverb

The old horse leaves the load and burden on the road.

Albanian Proverb

The young have the strength, the old have the wisdom.

Albanian Proverb

Stone by stone, makes a wall, wall by wall makes a castle.

Albanian Proverb

A good beginning is half of the work.

Albanian Proverb

Sow with one hand, reap with both.

Albanian Proverb

Take the mouth to the bread rather than the bread to the mouth.

Albanian Proverb

Money does not choose people.

Albanian Proverb

Do not be shy of one who is shameless.

Albanian Proverb

Song for dinner, grief for lunch.

Albanian Proverb

Nobody values the truth more highly than a liar.

Albanian Proverb

A day without work can yield a night without sleep.

Albanian Proverb

When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.

Albanian Proverb

On top of the mountain lives the eagle, and the fly lives on the horse's butt.

Albanian Proverb

Out comes the words, along comes the soul.

Albanian Proverb

Who stays under the tree, eat its berries.

Albanian Proverb

He who hesitates, regrets.

Albanian Proverb

The body builds up by working, the mind by studying.

Albanian Proverb

Where there is smoke, there is a fire.

Albanian Proverb

If you start on a journey, you will also cross plains, mountains and rocks.

Albanian Proverb

He who is shy dies from hunger.

Albanian Proverb

When you have no companion, look to your walking stick.

Albanian Proverb

In the eyes of the mouse the cat is a lion.

Albanian Proverb

When you do not sow, you have nothing to reap.

Albanian Proverb

The sun shines even behind the clouds.

Albanian Proverb

Liberty is rooted in the blood.

Albanian Proverb

Don't put golden buttons on a torn coat.

Albanian Proverb

A dry bone is never licked.

Albanian Proverb

Old age comes with friends.

Albanian Proverb

He who leans against a big tree will always find shade.

Albanian Proverb

No fish lives without water.

Albanian Proverb

Work like a slave and eat like a gentleman.

Albanian Proverb

If your neighbor is an early riser, you too will become one.

Albanian Proverb

If you do not have malice inside, it will not come from outside.

Albanian Proverb

It is better to die standing, than to live on your knees.

Albanian Proverb

You cannot hunt with a tied dog.

Albanian Proverb

He who does not know what fatigue is, does not to know what recreation is.

Albanian Proverb

The snake moves, erasing its tracks with its tail.

Albanian Proverb

What I have in my heart is brought out by the wine.

Albanian Proverb