Welsh Proverbs

The best knowledge is to know yourself.
Welsh Proverb

Birds of the same colour fly to the same place.
Welsh Proverb

Home is home, however poor it may be.
Welsh Proverb

Memory slips, letters remain.
Welsh Proverb

There is a bad potato in every sack.
Welsh Proverb

Tapping persistently breaks the stone.
Welsh Proverb

The wiser the man, the fewer his words.
Welsh Proverb

No good will come of over sleeping.
Welsh Proverb

Better my own cottage than the palace of another.
Welsh Proverb

Adversity brings knowledge and knowledge wisdom.
Welsh Proverb

If you want to be a leader, be a bridge.
Welsh Proverb

Money is the key that opens all locks.
Welsh Proverb

Every flock has its black sheep.
Welsh Proverb

Of all weights, old age is the heaviest.
Welsh Proverb

You must crawl before walking.
Welsh Proverb

Adversity comes with instruction in his hand.
Welsh Proverb

A great sin can enter by a small door.
Welsh Proverb

More the hurry, more the obstacles.
Welsh Proverb

Death considers not the fairest forehead.
Welsh Proverb

The seed of all evil is laziness.
Welsh Proverb

A man without prudence is a ship without an anchor.
Welsh Proverb

Better educated than wealthy.
Welsh Proverb

Every bird relishes his own voice.
Welsh Proverb

Starting the work is two thirds of it.
Welsh Proverb

A nation without a language is a nation without a heart.
Welsh Proverb

The young laugh when the old fall.
Welsh Proverb

Let not your tongue break your neck.
Welsh Proverb

He who has no faults is not born.
Welsh Proverb

A wise wolf hides his fangs.
Welsh Proverb

The best shortage is a shortage of words.
Welsh Proverb

First to the mill will get to grind.
Welsh Proverb

The strength of a nation is its knowledge.
Welsh Proverb

The old know and the young suspect.
Welsh Proverb

The old feel the blows that were aquired when younger.
Welsh Proverb

Speak well of your friend; of your enemy say nothing.
Welsh Proverb

Without perseverance talent is a barren bed.
Welsh Proverb

Man learns from the cradle to the grave.
Welsh Proverb