Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo Quotes

Join me and lets dance across the shores of infinity and beyond.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter II, 2017)

I never could really tell where my ranting began and where it ended.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter VII, 2017)

The mystic was an average Joe who one day fell out of a hole from the universe into a sacred silence that permeates the entire cosmos.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter I, 2017)

Daniel Seeker is not a mystic but when he shape shifts into the hippopotamus that wrote this book he indeed becomes one.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo, 2017)

If this sounds too mystical, don’t worry, hopefully soon you’ll be a mystic hippo like us and you will know exactly of what I’m speaking of!

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter III, 2017)

Therefore since I cannot erase those nonsensical words, every word that is written here is sealed in eternity and you are its sole witness.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter V, 2017)

The mystic is not a person, and a person cannot be a mystic. The mystic was a person but something internal was dissolved and regenerated into some kind of an impersonal presence instead.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter I, 2017)

Now that I have revealed the grace, the simplicity and the beauty of your own consciousness, it is only fitting that you take the necessary steps to enter the great land of the enlightened hippos with your own two, soon to be four, feet.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter VIII, 2017)

Our beloved, the timeless loves and nurtures all
Even you my dear
Though sometimes you feel so small.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter VII, 2017)

The end?!?, Does infinity and enlightenment have an ending? What kind of a hoax is this? Well all things that have a beginning have an end, and since you picked up this book or if it was dropped down from cyberspace, I don’t really now these days, I’m guessing the latter.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter VI, 2017)

Two steps forward, three steps back
Oh no! The hippos under attack
Three steps forward, two steps back
Oh no! The hippo hit the sack.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter V, 2017)

Now, where were we, oh yea, what’s so freaking mystical about enlightened hippos, or was it mysticism? Same, same, we hippos are the perfect mystics, so any distinctions would only be fictitious.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo, 2017)

Yes as I was saying, or trying to say, to become an enlightened hippo you have to go through some necessary and crucial steps, I will reveal them unto you soon enough my young hippopadawans. Yes… together we shall conquer galaxies with this powerful knowledge on the nature of all things. We shall bend matter to our will and we shall be emperors of universes.

Daniel Seeker (Who's Who in the Mystics Zoo - Chapter IV, 2017)

The Book in Detail

Mystics Zoo book cover

Author: Daniel Seeker
Published: January 11, 2017

Who's who in the mystics Zoo is a original book of iPerceptive, written by the creator of the website Daniel Seeker. If the book looks interesting, make sure to buy it on Amazon!