Gandhi Quotes

Gandhi Quote: There are seven sins in the world: 
    Wealth without work, 
    Pleasure without conscience, 
    Knowledge without character, 
    Commerce without morality, 
    Science without humanity, 
    Worship without sacrifice, and 
    Politics without principle.
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There are seven sins in the world:
Wealth without work,
Pleasure without conscience,
Knowledge without character,
Commerce without morality,
Science without humanity,
Worship without sacrifice, and
Politics without principle.

Gandhi (Quoted in the Young India, 1925)

Rationalists are admirable beings, rationalism is a hideous monster when it claims for itself omnipotence. Attribution of omnipotence to reason is as bad a piece of idolatry as is worship of stock and stone believing it to be God. I plead not for the suppression of reason, but for a due recognition of that in us which sanctifies reason.

Gandhi (Quoted in the Young India, 1923)

Why can't you see the beauty of colours in vegetables? And then, there is beauty in the speckless sky. But no, you want the colours of the rainbow which is a mere optical illusion. We have been taught to believe that what is beautiful need not be useful and what is useful cannot be beautiful. I want to show that what is useful can also be beautiful.

Gandhi (Harijan, 1946)

Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good. But in the past, noncooperation has been deliberately expressed in violence to the evildoer. I am endeavoring to show to my countrymen that violent noncooperation only multiplies evil and that evil can only be sustained by violence, withdrawal of support of evil requires complete abstention from violence.

Gandhi (Statement made in a courtroom in Ahmadabad, 1922)

This war has descended upon mankind as a curse and a warning. It is a curse inasmuch as it is brutalizing man on a scale hitherto unknown. All distinctions between combatants and noncombatants have been abolished. No one and nothing is to be spared. Lying has been reduced to an art... It is also a warning. It is a warning that, if nobody reads the writing on the wall, man will be reduced to the state of the beast, whom he is shaming by his manners.

Gandhi (To Every Briton, 1940)

I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man woman whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him her. Will he she gain anything by it? Will it restore him her to a control over his her own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to freedom for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?


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Gandhi Biography

Born: October 2, 1869
Died: January 30, 1948

Mohandas Gandhi was a leader in India during the Indian independence movement. He is best known for his philosophy "Satyagraha" and his lifelong advocacy for peace and nonviolence.

Notable Works

Indian Home Rule (1909)
The Story of My Experiments with Truth (1929)
Non-Violence in Peace and War (1942)