Vanna Bonta Quotes

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Love is the eternal first breath.

Vanna Bonta (Degrees: Thought Capsules and Micro Tales, 1989)

Popularity is not an indication of quality.

Vanna Bonta (Degrees: Thought Capsules and Micro Tales, 1989)

There is no hospitality like understanding.

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

I am, therefore I think.

Vanna Bonta (Degrees: Thought Capsules and Micro Tales, 1989)

The true poem rests between the words.

Vanna Bonta (Shades of the World, 1985)

Money is a human invention.

Vanna Bonta (State of the Art, 2000)

Love consults itself.

Vanna Bonta (Space: What love's got to do with it, 2004)

Once, before Time...

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

Our true enemies are: ignorance and limitation.

Vanna Bonta

When we love there is no reason why.

Vanna Bonta (Degrees: Thought Capsules and Micro Tales, 1989)

The illusion is we are only physical.

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

Anger is a wound gone mad.

Vanna Bonta

Life kissed her however it could.

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

Inspiration always arrives unannounced.

Vanna Bonta (Rewards of Passion, 1981)

"Impossible" is not a scientific term.

Vanna Bonta (Space: What love's got to do with it, 2004)

Love's not an emotion. It's a state of being, an ability.

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

We are the ancestors of those gardening the universe.

Vanna Bonta (Space: What love's got to do with it, 2004)

Everybody's got soul. It's a matter of what condition it's in.

Vanna Bonta (Shades of the World, 1985)

Sex in space is not just a good idea, it's survival.

Vanna Bonta

Which came first - the observer or the particle?

Vanna Bonta (Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995)

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.

Vanna Bonta (Rewards of Passion, 1981)

The stars are not the limit.

Vanna Bonta (Space: What love's got to do with it, 2004)

The masses once dined on opera and Shakespeare.

Vanna Bonta (State of the Art, 2000)

Your kisses are thieves which leave me wanting nothing.

Vanna Bonta (Rewards of Passion, 1981)

The ability to do, to make, to generate and contribute is the essence of a human being.

Vanna Bonta (State of the Art, 2000)

We've been there on World Wars, it's time for World Party I.

Vanna Bonta (Blogpost)

You never read about the real pain. It lives where no word can travel.

Vanna Bonta (Rewards of Passion, 1981)

You are not going to find yourself anywhere except right where you are.

Vanna Bonta (Shades of the World, 1985)

It is indisputable that evolved thinking recognizes the universality of Life.

Vanna Bonta (Zero Gravity Interview, 2006)

Recognition of one’s fellows is distorted when money is prioritized as value itself.

Vanna Bonta (State of the Art, 2000)

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Vanna Bonta Biography

Born: April 3, 1958

Vanna Bonta is an American poet, novelist and actress. She is best known for her science fiction success book "Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel, 1995"

Notable Works

Rewards of Passion (1981)
Shades of the World (1985)
Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel (1995)