Bulgarian Proverbs

Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you cannot serve, you cannot rule.

Bulgarian Proverb

You are permitted, in time of great danger, to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge.

Bulgarian Proverb

The well-fed person doesn't believe the hungry person.

Bulgarian Proverb

Whatever one does, one does it to oneself.

Bulgarian Proverb

Better the grave than a slave.

Bulgarian Proverb

A word said is a thrown rock.

Bulgarian Proverb

He who gives much, will soon start begging.

Bulgarian Proverb

The old man is not asked where he aches, but why he does not ache there.

Bulgarian Proverb

Draw water from the new well, but do not spit in the old one.

Bulgarian Proverb

The sun shines on mud, but does not get muddy.

Bulgarian Proverb

Every frog has his own pond.

Bulgarian Proverb

А hero must endure wounds.

Bulgarian Proverb

From walking - something; from sitting - nothing.

Bulgarian Proverb

Once you've been bitten by a snake, you're afraid of even a lizard.

Bulgarian Proverb

A gentle word opens an iron gate.

Bulgarian Proverb

He who gets angry, grows old fast.

Bulgarian Proverb

The pear doesn’t fall far away from the tree.

Bulgarian Proverb

Every frog must know its pond.

Bulgarian Proverb

One swallow doesn't make a spring.

Bulgarian Proverb

You can guess the day by the evening.

Bulgarian Proverb

He that believes in dreams, pastures the winds.

Bulgarian Proverb

A good friend is recognized in times of trouble.

Bulgarian Proverb

There would be miracles if youth could know and age could do.

Bulgarian Proverb

God promises a safe landing but not a calm passage.

Bulgarian Proverb

Lies have short legs.

Bulgarian Proverb

Better do something later than never.

Bulgarian Proverb

The first glass is for health,
The second - for joy,
The third - for fun,
The fourth - for madness.

Bulgarian Proverb

Dip your tongue in wisdom, then give counsel.

Bulgarian Proverb

Where shepherds are lots, sheep are lost.

Bulgarian Proverb

From the promise to the deed is a day's journey.

Bulgarian Proverb

Drop by drop - a whole lake becomes.

Bulgarian Proverb

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you would live long, open your heart.

Bulgarian Proverb

Give him a finger and he will bite your hand.

Bulgarian Proverb

Life is a stairway - some are going up, others are going down.

Bulgarian Proverb

Gravediggers have their own gravediggers too.

Bulgarian Proverb

Take a big bite, don't say a big word.

Bulgarian Proverb

Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you let everyone walk over you, you become a carpet.

Bulgarian Proverb

A hungry bear doesn't dance.

Bulgarian Proverb

The one who does not work, must not eat.

Bulgarian Proverb

Measure width and length seven times, cut only once!

Bulgarian Proverb

Big cloud, little rain.

Bulgarian Proverb

He who thinks evil finds evil.

Bulgarian Proverb

Embrace the snake and it will bite you.

Bulgarian Proverb

Eyes see everything but themselves.

Bulgarian Proverb

Work as though you will live a hundred years; think as though you will die tomorrow.

Bulgarian Proverb

A day feeds the year.

Bulgarian Proverb

A tree is bent while it is slender.

Bulgarian Proverb

Don't cry at somebody else's grave.

Bulgarian Proverb

Do not put all eggs in one basket.

Bulgarian Proverb

Death is closer than the shirt.

Bulgarian Proverb

To keep your cake and eat it too.

Bulgarian Proverb

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Bulgarian Proverb

Don’t ask the old but the one that has endured bad times.

Bulgarian Proverb

The hump is straightened only by the grave.

Bulgarian Proverb

You can't sell cucumbers to the cucumbers’ seller.

Bulgarian Proverb

Bad weather gets better, a bad man never does.

Bulgarian Proverb

The early awaken chicken sings early.

Bulgarian Proverb

For the blind sellers there are blind buyers.

Bulgarian Proverb

There is no smoke without fire.

Bulgarian Proverb

He who undertakes too many jobs does none.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you can't help yourself, God won't help you either.

Bulgarian Proverb

Give me birth, mother, as a lucky one, then go ahead and throw me onto the garbage pile.

Bulgarian Proverb

If the hand gives but the heart doesn't, nothing will come of it.

Bulgarian Proverb

When the sea turned into honey, the poor man lost his spoon.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you call one wolf, you invite the pack.

Bulgarian Proverb

If you wish to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water.

Bulgarian Proverb