Hebrew Proverbs

Who seeks more than he needs hinders himself from enjoying what he has.
Hebrew Proverb

Whoever teaches his son teaches not alone his son but also his son's son, and so on to the end of generations.
Hebrew Proverb

Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones.
Hebrew Proverb

There is no smoke without fire.
Hebrew Proverb

A rich man has no need of character.
Hebrew Proverb

He who eats alone, dies alone.
Hebrew Proverb

Make not a fence more expensive or more important than the thing that is fenced.
Hebrew Proverb

Slander slays three persons: the speaker, the spoken to, and the spoken of.
Hebrew Proverb

Marry for money, my little sonny, a rich man's joke is always funny.
Hebrew Proverb

Don't look at the jar, but at what's inside it.
Hebrew Proverb

Judge not thy neighbor until thou art come into his place.
Hebrew Proverb

Happy the generation where the great listen to the small, for it follows that in such a generation the small will listen to the great.
Hebrew Proverb

Pride is the mask we make of our faults.
Hebrew Proverb

Promise little and do much.
Hebrew Proverb

He who takes his rank lightly raises his own dignity.
Hebrew Proverb

If you try to catch alot, you'll end up catching nothing.
Hebrew Proverb

The best way to know a man is to watch him when he is angry.
Hebrew Proverb

He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well.
Hebrew Proverb

Poverty is a wonderful thing. It sticks to a man after all his friends have forsaken him.
Hebrew Proverb

Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest violence.
Hebrew Proverb

Verbal fraud is worse than monetary fraud.
Hebrew Proverb

If a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two.
Hebrew Proverb

He who is obligated to do something, does it better than he who volunteers to do it.
Hebrew Proverb

The court is most merciful when the accused is most rich.
Hebrew Proverb

Troubles come in packs.
Hebrew Proverb

Life and death is in the tongue.
Hebrew Proverb

Far from sight, far from heart.
Hebrew Proverb

It's half a consolation if many suffer the same troubles as oneself.
Hebrew Proverb

Who is wise? He who can learn from every man.
Hebrew Proverb

There is no such thing as a free meal.
Hebrew Proverb

Between two chairs.
Hebrew Proverb

A rose between thorns.
Hebrew Proverb

Eat vegetables and fear no creditors, rather than eat duck and hide.
Hebrew Proverb

It's better to be the tail of a lion than the head of a fox.
Hebrew Proverb

An advantage of poverty, your relatives gain nothing by your death.
Hebrew Proverb

The baker shouldn't comment on his own bread.
Hebrew Proverb

These three are the marks of a Jew - a tender heart, self-respect, and charity.
Hebrew Proverb

Who is the bravest hero? He who turns his enemy into a friend.
Hebrew Proverb