Indonesian Proverbs

A fire will sear and the sun burn yet more, but neither can match the ardor of a man's heart.
Indonesian Proverb

Nothing is difficult if you're used to it.
Indonesian Proverb

Thought is the light of the heart.
Indonesian Proverb

If there were no lions in the jungle, a blind monkey could be king.
Indonesian Proverb

The will of the heart is to hug the mountain, but the arms is not long enough.
Indonesian Proverb

Heavy, we carry together, light, we carry together.
Indonesian Proverb

A hill is created little by little over a long time.
Indonesian Proverb

Loser becomes ashes, winner becomes coal.
Indonesian Proverb

Diligience is a good beginning.
Indonesian Proverb

Who sows the wind shall reap the storm.
Indonesian Proverb

The sea becomes the shore, the shore becomes the sea.
Indonesian Proverb

Make sure you have an umbrella before it rains.
Indonesian Proverb

No matter how high a squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall down.
Indonesian Proverb

Elephants wage war against elephants, deer die in the midst.
Indonesian Proverb

Calm water does not mean there are no crocodiles.
Indonesian Proverb

Empty drum creates loud sound.
Indonesian Proverb

Whatever is broken will grow back, whatever lost will be replaced.
Indonesian Proverb

Paddle upstream, swim down to the edge. Go through pain or hardship first, then experience fun and happiness.
Indonesian Proverb

Shallow water has ripples.
Indonesian Proverb

Cheat only once and be distrusted forever.
Indonesian Proverb

Be a bee, living in a flowery garden, not a fly, living in heaps of garbage.
Indonesian Proverb

There are not many who would announce their faults with a gong.
Indonesian Proverb

The firm tree does not fear the storm.
Indonesian Proverb

Even though the blade is sharp, it can never be sharper than the tongue.
Indonesian Proverb

Once there is a flood, the beach will be changed.
Indonesian Proverb

If you don't want to get flooded, don't build a house next to the sea.
Indonesian Proverb

Still water runs deep.
Indonesian Proverb

Different fields, different grasshoppers; different seas, different fish.
Indonesian Proverb