Romanian Proverbs

Water flows, but rocks remain.

Romanian Proverb

Throw the good to your left and right, and you'll find it when you'll need it.

Romanian Proverb

If you only kept silent you would have passed for a wise man.

Romanian Proverb

Early risers travel far away.

Romanian Proverb

The will is everything.  

Romanian Proverb

When you do good, you get good.

Romanian Proverb

Life is a waste if you didn't live as you would have wanted to.

Romanian Proverb

The old dog doesn't bark without reason.

Romanian Proverb

What is everybody's business is nobody's business.

Romanian Proverb

Knowledge is power.

Romanian Proverb

Look before you leap.

Romanian Proverb

A disease known is half cured.

Romanian Proverb

Time ripens all things.

Romanian Proverb

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Romanian Proverb

Better to ask twice than go wrong once.

Romanian Proverb

There's no smoke without fire.

Romanian Proverb

Every bird dies by its own tongue.

Romanian Proverb

It's the gentle cat that scratches the worst.

Romanian Proverb

Many hands make light work.

Romanian Proverb

All is well that ends well.

Romanian Proverb

Strike while the iron is hot.

Romanian Proverb

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Romanian Proverb

Yesterday will not be called again.

Romanian Proverb

In unity lies strength.

Romanian Proverb

You can't straighten the world with your shoulder.

Romanian Proverb

The one who has knowledge, has four eyes.

Romanian Proverb

Many see, few understand.

Romanian Proverb

A hungry belly has no ears.

Romanian Proverb

Truth lies at the bottom of the well.

Romanian Proverb

Actions speak louder than words.

Romanian Proverb

Luck is like glass: when it starts to shine, it breaks.

Romanian Proverb

Virtue is its own reward.

Romanian Proverb

The village is burning and the granny is combing her hair.

Romanian Proverb

One fool creates a mess which ten wise men cannot undo.

Romanian Proverb

Use your ears to listen, use your eyes to see, but use your mouth to shut up.

Romanian Proverb

Where the liquor is in, the wit is out.

Romanian Proverb

Still waters run deep.

Romanian Proverb

The sun warms the good man and bad man equally.

Romanian Proverb

You do not know what is good until you lose it.

Romanian Proverb

Don't leave for tomorrow, what you can do today.

Romanian Proverb

It is one thing to promise and another to perform.

Romanian Proverb

Don't argue with a fool, he has a rested mind.

Romanian Proverb

Everything has a beginning.

Romanian Proverb

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

Romanian Proverb

Little strokes fell great oaks.

Romanian Proverb

Good is rewarded with good.

Romanian Proverb

Don't measure others with your hand.

Romanian Proverb

What can't be cured must be endured.

Romanian Proverb

The dogs bark and the caravan passes by...

Romanian Proverb

If the sun doesn't come in through the window, the doctor will come in through the door. 

Romanian Proverb

A good beginning is half the battle. 

Romanian Proverb

When the cat is not at home the mice dance on the table.

Romanian Proverb

Either act as you speak, or speak as you act.

Romanian Proverb

One gather while the other one wastes.

Romanian Proverb

The chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 

Romanian Proverb

Love of money is the root of all evil.

Romanian Proverb

A dog dies from too much walking , a fool from worrying about other's business.

Romanian Proverb

Little chips light great fires.

Romanian Proverb

Don't give the sparrow in the hand for the crow on the fence.

Romanian Proverb

He who steals an egg today, will steal an ox tomorrow.

Romanian Proverb

Do not wake the sleeping lion.

Romanian Proverb

The one who has a book, has the power.

Romanian Proverb

Romanian Proverb