Science Quotes

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The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful.

Henri Poincaré

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.

Carl Sagan

To me the scientific point of view is completely satisfying, and it has been so as long as I can remember. Not once in this life have I ever been inclined to seek a rock and a refuge elsewhere. It leaves a good many dark spots in the universe, to be sure, but not a hundredth time as many as theology. We may trust it, soon or late, to throw light upon many of them, and those that remain dark will be beyond illumination by any other agency. It also fails on occasion to console, but so does theology...

H. L. Mencken

Science is the systematic classification of experience.

George Henry Lewes

There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.

Isaac Asimov

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