Korean Proverbs

Don't try to cover the whole sky with the palm of your hand.
Korean Proverb

Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.
Korean Proverb

Gather dust to build a mountain.
Korean Proverb

Tall branches are apt to be broken.
Korean Proverb

Even monkeys may fall from trees.
Korean Proverb

The person who has many faults is usually the first to criticize others.
Korean Proverb

Even children of the same mother look different.
Korean Proverb

The thief hates the moon.
Korean Proverb

Through old things, we learn new things.
Korean Proverb

Carve a peg only after you have observed the hole.
Korean Proverb

If you speak of the tiger, it will come.
Korean Proverb

If you're standing in the hole you're digging, you should stop digging.
Korean Proverb

There is no winter without snow, no spring without sunshine, and no happiness without companions.
Korean Proverb

Wise men philosophize as the fools live on.
Korean Proverb

Even if you know the way, ask one more time.
Korean Proverb

One will get caught if one's tail is too long.
Korean Proverb

Put off for one day and ten days will pass.
Korean Proverb

A newborn baby has no fear of tigers.
Korean Proverb

If you kick a stone in anger, you’ll hurt your own foot.
Korean Proverb

Better in the grave than be a slave.
Korean Proverb

If you speak of the tiger, it will come.
Korean Proverb

Man's mind changes throughout the course of a day.
Korean Proverb

A man's youth will never die, unless he kills himself.
Korean Proverb

The deeper the waters are, the more still they run.
Korean Proverb

Even if you encounter a stone bridge, tap it first before crossing.
Korean Proverb

One moment is worth more than a thousand gold pieces.
Korean Proverb

Useful trees are cut down first.
Korean Proverb

Do not draw your sword to kill a fly.
Korean Proverb

No sleep, no dream.
Korean Proverb

When tigers die, they leave leather behind. When people die, they leave their names behind.
Korean Proverb

A great river does not refuse any small streams.
Korean Proverb

Anyone who goes hungry for three days will be inclined to steal.
Korean Proverb

Even a sheet of paper is lighter when two people lift it.
Korean Proverb

Coming words will be beautiful if gone words were beautiful.
Korean Proverb

If you starve for three days, there is no thought that does not invade your imagination.
Korean Proverb

The person who knows himself and his opponent will be invincible.
Korean Proverb

You cannot strike a face that is smiling.
Korean Proverb

You will hate a beautiful song if you sing it often.
Korean Proverb